Bill and Juanita, owners of Allenspark Lodge B&B, are living their dream...

running a successful business and riding as often as possible.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Mustangs in the Mist

Mother's Day was a fun event here. Some of son Thomas' friends came up to "celebrate", using me in leau of missing moms in the area. We had planned a hike but the fog that day was so thick you could hardly see in front of your face. It thinned slightly and we decided to take a short hike anyway, so I gathered up the grays, Jesse and Washoe, put their bareback pads and halters on and we headed into the forest. I rode Jesse and a couple of the kids took turns riding Washoe; one had never been on a horse before, so he was pretty excited. Lee got some really fun pictures, one of which is posted below, of Ranger standing in the corral as we were getting ready. Thanks, guys, for making it a fun Mother's Day - and thanks for the roses, too.

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