Bill and Juanita, owners of Allenspark Lodge B&B, are living their dream...

running a successful business and riding as often as possible.

Friday, October 21, 2011

I'm Back - Sort Of

OK, I'm right-handed, usually - unless I've done something dumb and the left hand has to work!  I am typing this two handed- but only for short periods of time.  10 days post-surgery; docs really surprised at how fast I am healing; stitches gone, arm sort of back to normal size.  For anyone not too squeemish, GD will probably post X-rays soon.  To my dismay, I will probably not ride for 2-3 more weeks.  THIS time I will take the doc seriously. You see, he could only place a few of the pieces back and then hold them in place by screwing in a few more - for a total of 7; said he couldn't get the last two to fit anywhere.  The round part that actually makes the elbow socket is what took the hit of a fully extended kick-and got smashed.  Only 4 are actually being held in place with the plate and screws, so I have to give the bone time to mend to itself.  I have a weight limit on my right arm of one paper only; not even my tea cup!  Ouch!  If I bumped a tree limb or grabbed a rein while riding, it could mean major, I am really, really,  r e a l l y trying to be good.  Beel and kids have been life savers.  Thanks to everyone who has so graciously commented with well wishes.  My elbow says its tired.


  1. So glad to see you up and moving around Juanita! We sure have missed you and been thinking of you non-stop over here. Glad to hear you are going to be careful too.

    Keep healing up fast and take care not to beat Beel up with the bad arm! ;)

  2. Glad to hear you're on the mend! Great you've got an amazing husband and great family support -- take care.
    -- Paris Puzzlers

  3. So good to see you back even for a few minutes. Sounds like you're being a good patient, I bet it is hard. I believe you'll be good as new, though.

  4. Glad to hear from you! Listening to the doctor sounds like it might be a good idea, just this once lol!

  5. Just thinking about your injury makes my tummy do flip flops. I am glad that your healing quickly, but do take it easy. Let the time do it's job. Thanks for posting an update, I'm sure it was difficult.

  6. not even going to say anything snarky :o) So glad you are doing so well..

    just remember if you take a swing at Beel,, use the other hand...LOL

  7. I've been away from checking Posts for awhile and was happy to see you back online. Typing w/two hands so soon - very impressive and I bet to some degree good therapy. :)

  8. So glad you are healing fast. Although, I'm not surprised, afterall, you are the bionic woman. You are amazing!

  9. I knew you'd be healing quick - except if you didn't stay off it!

    Your family rocks - glad they were able to chip in and get to see how hard you work :)

  10. One paper? One Paper? Oh my. That's hard core. Came by to catch up, hope by now you're feeling better.


I had to turn verification back on. Ten "spams" an hour is making me crazy...