Bill and Juanita, owners of Allenspark Lodge B&B, are living their dream...

running a successful business and riding as often as possible.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

 Last night, on New Years' eve, the lodge was reserved for a family event.  The whole lodge, for just one family.


Our four kids (with spouses) and a bunch of the grand kids made it.

Games, food, drinks, arguments, and love were the order of the night.

Best New Years we have had up here.


New Years'  Revolutions Restitutions Resolution's for Bill...

1)  Write 2013 rather than 2012 as often as possible.

2)  Make better, or at least more interesting, mistakes.

3)  Avoid buying another ford .

4)  Be more forgiving of others, except for ford.

5)  If we have any more apocalypses, try to survive them as best as possible, with minimal effort.

6)  And lastly, ride as often as possible.

I think those are mostly do-able.



  1. I think Deejo set a personal best: 4.5 minutes to first argument with Nebalee. Impressive time, that.

    Of course, in about another 4.5 minutes they were laughing down in the living room.

    1. It was only 2 minutes after the first argument, that I was telling Deejo to talk with Nebalee about "gun control".

      I am SUCH a trouble-maker.


  2. Um, Beel? Ranger tells me you forgot to add "Feed Ranger more treats"

  3. I hate resolutions.

    But I kinda like yours.

    I think I should resolve to bribe you to allow us to stay at your place again in 2013! :)

  4. Love it! And another one...avoid kicking Ranger in the head. Oh...geez, I might let that go for 2013. LOL


I had to turn verification back on. Ten "spams" an hour is making me crazy...