As lodge owners, we tend to work when other people are off. Summers and weekends are when people tend to want to get away, and they come stay with us. So it is a rare weekend we don't work.
This weekend had Juanita's birthday and our granddaughter "Autobot's" birthday. So we took no bookings for the weekend and spent it doing family stuff.
First, we had a joint birthday party for Juanita and Autobot on Saturday. Carrot cake, ice cream cupcakes, and assorted snacks at Juanita's mom's house.
Heap-O-Family arrived.
All 4 of our kids showed up, all of the grand kids, except for the 2nd oldest who has moved to Kentucky (miss you C-Man!), Juanita's mom and the great-grand son were also in attendance.
The youngest granddaughter holding the oldest great-grandson.
After the party, we went to Autobot's gymnastics state meet in one of the Denver suburbs. Level 8, age bracket 15 and up. Must have been 150 or so girls. It always amazes me how little trouble, noise and drama there is in the girls gymnastics meets. They are like... people.
Upon entering the gym, I found this sign-
An unfortunate set of sign placements |
I decided to forgo any trips to the snack-bar for beverages so I wouldn't risk a guest appearance on youtube.
The meet went well. Sorry for the terrible pics- I just have a point and shoot, and *flash* is forbidden. (Something about blinding people while they are doing really crazy stuff being rude.)
When all was said and done, Autobot ended up in the top 5 in all events, and taking first place in "all-around" in state. She advanced to regionals.
It cracks me up that her head is almost the same level as places 2 and 3. She's not exactly a giant...
On Sunday we went to Autobot's little brother "Kyzer's" state gymnastics meet in a Boulder suburb.
Some public art down there makes me much happier than it should.
The meet went well for the kid.
I kind of like this shot.
The blur under the flag is a spinning person...
When all was said and done at THIS meet, the kid took 8th place over all. He also advanced to regionals.
After attending 2 state meets in as many days, I find I have a new best friend.
May I introduce...
Stadium Seat.
(Oh yeah, and happy birthday Juanita. I guess YOU really are my best friend...)