Bill and Juanita, owners of Allenspark Lodge B&B, are living their dream...

running a successful business and riding as often as possible.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Short Ride, Long Overdue

B-  Hey Ranger!  I've got a few minutes, and some of our guests are going for a ride.  Let's tag along!

R-  Okay Beel.

B-  They're only going out for an hour, so let's just use a pad.

R-  Okay Beel.

B-  We're in the early part of hunting season, so I'm putting your BRIGHT ORANGE halter on you so you don't look so much like an elk.

R-  Okay Beel.

B-  Great.  We get you all dressed up and it starts to rain.  I know, let's go sit in the hay shed for 15 minutes.  It'll probably clear up by then.

R-  Okay Beel.  Look Beel.  I see hay.  LOTS of hay.  I will eat it now.

B-  Stop that. You turd, you're tearing the bales apart.  Let me stack some pallets on the bales and drag the wagon in front of them...

R-  You are mean Beel.

B-  There is still hay ALL OVER the ground.  Eat up buddy.  I'm just going to sit here.

B-  Alright!  The rain has stopped.  Let's ride.

R-  The neighbor horses are being nice today.

B-  Yeah.  With the feedbags on their faces, they don't get to graze.  Makes them much more polite.

R-  Do not do that Beel.

B-  What?  I'm just singing.

R-  No Beel.  I have heared singing.  It is not that sound.

B-  Geeze.  Everybody's a critic.

B-  Okay Ranger.  Just an hour on the trail, and we're back home.  Let's turn you back out with Jesse and Washoe before they have a fit.

R-  Beel.

B-  Yeah Ranger?

R-  This was a good day.

B-  Yeah buddy, it was.

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