Bill and Juanita, owners of Allenspark Lodge B&B, are living their dream...

running a successful business and riding as often as possible.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

New Coat-O-Snow

 For the last week, we had a couple police officers (a married couple, both cops) from Florida staying with us here at the lodge.  He left behind what I feel is a very nice Carhartt coat, complete with an attached foul weather cape.  VERY nice.  My favorite color, too.  Would be wonderful to ride horses in or just use as a barn coat.  I said "I'll return it to him when they come back." (They have stayed with us before).

  We have gotten another 8" of snow since noon today, and I grabbed the coat to use while shoveling.  He is NEVER GETTING THIS COAT BACK.  Mine, mine, mine, mine.

 They both told me how strange it felt running around without a sidearm, as they aren't allowed on the flight from Florida.  HA!  You'll never get the coat back from me Greg!  I've got a shovel!

(Thanks Greg)


  1. It is a very nice coat. Bet it was wonderful to have while you were shoveling. We're only up to about 5 inches. Much more and I won't be able to get my little car out of the neighborhood.

  2. Oh... and THANK YOU VERY MUCH for offering my husband a loaner call if he digs up those blackmail pictures. (*cough* stinker *cough*)

  3. Oooh - finders keepers!

    My hubs bought me one of those, but I am one of those vertically challenged chicks and that thing goes practically to my ankles and makes me trip more than I already naturally do...

    By the way, your lodge looks LOVELY! Any chance we could sneak our 3-year old in with our luggage? We're hoping for a road trip soon and Colorado is on the list!

  4. Rachel - Holy Cow, my duster looks like a prom dress on me. The good thing is that it *completely* covers me - all but my toes - when I'm riding. I've been wanting to buy chaps, but they'd look like chinks, so I should just buy chinks and I don't want to.

  5. GunDiva#1 Snow stopped up here at ANOTHER 14". That's 28" in two storms this week.

    Rachel#1- Greg actually handed me the coat before he left, as he didn't use it much in Florida, and I was obviously enamored with it. We book our lodge as an "adult only" retreat, but Juanita and I have discussed having a "Blogger Buddies and Families" weekend some time. Might be fun to meet all the mother-bloggers and their I mean FAMILIES.

    Rachel#2-No problem... I hope to borrow his newly tuned Disney Duck call sometime.

    GunDiva#2 Never seen a prom dress with sleeves that hang down WELL BEYOND one's finger-tips...

  6. I'd like on of those Carhartt coats myself. LOL

  7. R. Rainbow- I really can't recommend stealing one from a policeman, but it's a WONDERFUL coat!


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