Bill and Juanita, owners of Allenspark Lodge B&B, are living their dream...

running a successful business and riding as often as possible.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Summer Shopping Spree

I just don't get out of the lodge too often during the summer months.  Loads to do around here, and when grocery shopping needs to be done,  Juanita usually goes to town so she can visit her mom after buying the stuff we need that week.

This week I HAD to get out, so I went to town to buy tea, apples and eggs.  About $250 later, I found myself going back to the store to buy the eggs.

I bought plumbing supplies, socks, an electric fence spring gate for the horses and LOTS of other cool stuff.

                           Including this really nifty door mat.

The warden may never give me a work-release pass again.



  1. Lol, you sound like my husband! When I go to Costco, I spend $50-100. When he comes with, we spend 200+! I don't take him very often ;)

  2. Well...what other cool stuff? Did any good fly spray happen to fall into the cart? 'Cause Estes would really appreciate it.

  3. LOL had to GO back and buy the eggs...

    Sounds familiar!!!!!

    Loved the foot mat,

  4. I adore the mat! And I'm totally cracking up at having to go back and buy eggs...


I had to turn verification back on. Ten "spams" an hour is making me crazy...