Bill and Juanita, owners of Allenspark Lodge B&B, are living their dream...

running a successful business and riding as often as possible.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Ridin' with the Guests

I got to join a couple of our (70+ years young) guests for a ride today.  These sisters (they are regulars here at the lodge) have been telling us for quite a while that they were going riding here in the fall, and today they made it.  So four of us ambled out to see the aspens in their full glory; the wrangler, followed by "Sister C", "Sister B" and me, bareback on Jesse.  About a half hour into the ride, Sister B informed Sister C that her horse was kicking up too much dust, causing Sister B's horse to cough.  The reply?  That sweet old gal turned around and said  "Tough sh*t!"  Now our 'slightly older than the usual' wrangler was just turning around in his saddle to say something when this popped out.  The look on his face was priceless.  He was laughing so hard he could hardly stay mounted.  When he regained speech, his reply was, "I love you ladies.  Where have you been all my life?"  The ride only got better from there...and the aspens were beautiful, too.  I did miss Bill's lovely rendition of country singing.  However, Sister B serenaded us nicely, since the wrangler was never forthcoming with the promised song-fest.



  1. A ride with a wrangler $50.00 bucks

    A stay at the lodge $100.00 bucks

    A chance to hear a vintage sister tell another Tough Sh@t......



  2. LOL - all rides require a musical interlude.

  3. We didn't get to ride with as many of our guests this summer as we like; we were kept really busy (good news - more money, bad news - less time - thing). We like to use that as an excuse to get out on 'our' mountain and enjoy the great fresh air on wonderful Mustangs! It only takes a few moments for a great attitude adjustment.


I had to turn verification back on. Ten "spams" an hour is making me crazy...