Bill and Juanita, owners of Allenspark Lodge B&B, are living their dream...

running a successful business and riding as often as possible.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Found It

The weather report this morning for up here called for snow.  After reading it, I was pretty sure I was going to have some sort of breakdown, or at least a world class whine session.  To avoid either, Juanita and I went "In Search Of Spring".

And we found it.

We drove down the mountain for 15 minutes to the Hall Ranch Open Space in Boulder County and went for a hike 3000 feet lower than the lodge.

Sun on the water.

Green grass.

Singing Birds and frogs.


You know.  Spring stuff.

Then the thunder and lightning started up the mountain from us, and we scurried back to the car.

We got back just in time.

Driving back up the mountain we passed this guy.

I felt bad for him, but I bet he felt worse.  He is committed to his chosen sport.

When we got home, we thought we might have enough time for a quick bareback ride around the neighborhood.
The pinging sound is the hail hitting the camera.  He should be committed because of his chosen sport.

I feel better now.



  1. Well, it's getting greener. Less white. More green. I'm rooting for ya!

  2. That's a good plan. We had frost overnight. I am hoping my flowers made it. I did cover my lilacs but we'll see....


I had to turn verification back on. Ten "spams" an hour is making me crazy...