Bill and Juanita, owners of Allenspark Lodge B&B, are living their dream...

running a successful business and riding as often as possible.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Llama More

It snowed today, but a couple days ago you couldn't have asked for nicer weather.  Saturday we saddled up and went for an hour or two ride around town.  I was on Ranger, Juanita was riding Washoe and ponying Jesse.

Things were pleasantly boring until we reached the local llama ranch.

Now, Jesse and Ranger have met most of these llamas before.  But Washoe has apparently NEVER SEEN THE LIKES OF THESE THINGS.

 They are llamas, Washoe.

 Llamas! But Jesse doesn't care...

 Too many llamas.  I'm outta here!
We're outnumbered!

Things got a little too exciting for me to take pictures for a moment or two...

I ended up with Jesse so Washoe could focus on living through the upcoming "attack of the uglies".
No, really.  Jesse doesn't care.

The rest of the ride was pretty uneventful, even with the new downed trees by the road.

Another ride survived.  But just.



  1. Sounds pretty exciting there for a bit. Glad Washoe survived the "Killer" Llamas. It sure looks pretty there. Of course, i love Rangers ears in the last photo. :-)

  2. Llamas are natural born killers. Did you know their spittle is poisonous? And if you don't run fast enough, they can shoot lasers from their bulging eyeballs. Dixie told me this so it must be true.

    1. Dixie has good instincts. And it explains the bulging eyeballs.


  3. Love that last photo with Ranger's exotic tippy ears.
    As you know I have two llamas of my own and I just love 'em! I'm always getting friends asking me if they can bring their horses over to desensitize them to llamas. I often forget that horses can get spooked by them, as my own horse and my neighbor's 4 horses could care less about my llamas. My horse seems to think they belong to her and she tries top herd them around....with dire circumstances, I might add (llama spit is just nasty!). But even I have to admit that a whole herd of staring llamas would be pretty overwhelming for most horses...they even kind of freak me out a little. lol!


    1. By the time they were all there, we had 8 or 9 llamas staring across the fence at us. It really was kind of creepy....


  4. hahaha. Llamas are so weird looking! Like the gangly cousins of horses.

    1. That's it! That's how I felt in Jr. high-school. I was a llama in a herd of horses!


  5. The second I handed off Jesse and had both hands on the reins, Washoe calmed down. He just needed to know I 'was there for him' and not focused on 'that mare!'. I was able to immediately switch back to neck reining and retrieve my camera to get the shot of Bill, Jesse so bored she's scratching her knee, and Ranger chastising the llamas for scaring 'the kid'. On the way back home later, he marched right by them like they didn't exist, so our excitement was pretty short lived.

  6. What a beautiful ride--minus the llamas! You can't tell what time of year it is by those pictures either.

    1. Today there is four inches of snow on the ground. You can tell it's still winter.

  7. Yikes. I had a nervous breakdown for Juanita. Glad there were no upset baskets. I'm with Washoe. Llamas and I don't mix. LOL

  8. Those things still freak me out... so I don't blame poor Washoe! Maybe SHE can desensitize me to them next time we're up? :)


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